Teach Your Kids to Love Who They Are- Who God Created Them to be

We live in a world of constant comparing and belittling. Many are emotionally scarred because of something negative that someone said to them about their appearance, personality, or socioeconomic status. A lot of people don’t know their self-worth.

As a parent, you have the power to create a positive self- image in your children. You can start this when they are young to show them their worth, to show them they are loved and special. I’m a big advocate for starting this when your child is a baby or toddler. Tell them that God loves them and they are here for a purpose. Tell your girls they are beautiful. Tell your boys they are handsome. Tell your kids that they are smart and you are proud of the things they do.

Teaching your children about their self- worth is not a one time thing. It’s something kids need to hear everyday. Each child of yours needs to hear it. It’s so important that they hear these things from you, their parent- their number 1 cheerleader.

Affirmation posters from Outus Store on Amazon.

Speaking positive affirmations to each of your children is very beneficial. It’s also helpful to post affirmations in their bedrooms. You can order some from Amazon. You can even simply make your own. Grab a piece of white copy paper and a marker. Write your own affirmations for them such as, “I am beautiful. I am smart. I am kind. I am brave.” Then have your children say them every day.

Add positive affirmations to your children’s morning routine to say each morning after getting dressed. Maybe having them say it during their nighttime routine after they are tucked in bed works better for your family. No matter what time of day you decide, just make an effort to try to do it daily. Even if you miss a day or two, if it’s posted up at least they can see it as a visual reminder each day. My children have theirs posted on the wall across from their bed. Their affirmations are the first thing they see when they wake up and when they go to bed.

There was a long period in my life where I was very insecure and did not love myself. Due to those feelings, I made a lot of foolish mistakes because I wanted to please others, even those who treated me wrong. If I had more confidence at that time, I would not have tolerated most of the things that I went along with and accepted. After college, I reconnected with God, and for the first time I truly learned about my positive self-worth. I understood my freedom in His Son, Jesus Christ. My whole life changed. I started to love myself and believe in who God created me to be. I learned to be courageous and walk away from those who did not respect me.

Now as a parent, I am teaching my children each day about their positive self-worth. I teach them not to think less of themselves just because someone does or says something mean to them. They know that they are loved by God and that they are special. My husband and I intentionally make sure they hear on a regular basis that we love them and are proud of them. My hope is that this inspires you to do the same for your children. Don’t wait for something negative to happen to begin this practice. I challenge you to begin this positive step now!

Affirmation posters from Gethelud Store on Amazon.


To Whom Much is Given, Much Will be Required